Our hope is that while your child is with us that he/she will develop into a mature, happy, responsible young adult who is prepared to face the future with confidence. The school acknowledges that parent’s guardians are the primary educators; as a professional body of teachers, the staff of Vision works in co-operation with the student and the home to help each individual pupil to reach his/her potential. We view education as the development of the whole child – attention/emphasis is placed not just on the intellectual development but also on the pupil’s physical, social and spiritual development.
Each student is a unique individual with special gifts and talents – we hope that with motivation, encouragement and hard work that all our students will discover their individual talents. The critical importance of the early years of a child’s life to their future educational success is well known. At Primary level in our school, we want every child to have the best start to school, and to master the foundation literacy and numeracy skills, as well as the personal and social capabilities, required for later years of schooling.

Our staff are dedicated, hardworking and experienced. We provide a safe, calm and caring atmosphere in school and foster a hardworking ethos based on an enjoyment of learning within a stable environment.
It is our passion to ensure that every child has an outstanding education resulting in a high literacy and numeracy competency. Our two mantras, all students can be high achievers and every student matters every day, signify our determination for all students to be successful. We aim to achieve the goals through our motto of “Innocence Growing To Excellence”. We provide opportunities that extend and challenge every child to achieve the highest possible standards and their personal best.
So welcome to our school and lets together give your precious children an opportunity of a wonderful learning experience.